A course of 6 hours taught in exclusive groups for us to be hands-on where we focus on the structure and unique teaching style we use when teaching classes, workshops and private lessons.
Quality teachers
Sharing 20+ years of teaching experience.
Technique oriented
Helping you understand the details that makes the difference.
Trainings around the world
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Taking the step to start teaching for the first time or to start teaching something different doesn’t have to be difficult. Learning how to teach from experienced teachers give you the confidence you might be struggling with.
Our teacher training shares our teaching style that has gotten praised around the world. With a focus on technique and detailed explanations, showing wide knowledge and understanding of the Dominican culture, we’ll teach you how to implement our teaching style to your own teaching.
Teacher Training Outline
The teacher training involves core techniques, steps, leading/following, hipmovements, footwork, light musicality, exercises and examples of what to teach and how to teach it, 12 occasions from beginners to intermediate and how to create a memorable festival workshop.
You get our written study material, 6 hours of learning in a small group with the possibility to get personal corrections and ask questions + 1-2 hours of a written & a practical exam. If passed you’ll get a diploma with your name that states that you’ve been certified by Los Bonitillos.
Upcoming Dates
JULY 6-7th New York, USA
DECEMBER 5-8th 2024 Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
MARCH 2025 Stockholm, Sweden
Teacher Training
Teacher training
500 €Rated 0 out of 5Dominican Bachata – the teacher training program by Los Bonitillos
Saturday 12.00-15.30 & Sunday 12.00-16.30
Our teacher trainings are limited to 10 spots, get yours before they sell out.